
Start a Vet Program


Determine Need
Learn About Nonprofit Organization Management
Additional Resources


Gather data from

Homeless Coordinator at VA Medical Center nearest you
Your city, county or state’s Homeless Coalition (click here for the most recent CHALENG report)
Local service providers
Formerly homeless veterans
Your state’s homeless coordinator (usually appointed by Governor)

Answer questions

How many homeless are there?
How many of those are veterans?
What services are currently available?
What services are missing in order to break the cycle of homelessness?
What are the short-, medium- and long-range needs?
What resources are available?
What additional resources are needed?
Who is involved now?
Who could/should be involved?

Most of this information can be found in the CHALENG report.

Visit or talk to other homeless veteran programs

NCHV has a list of providers throughout the nation that can be used as contacts. Click here to locate community-based service providers in your area.

Involve Others

Select an organizing committee of individuals that might be interested in attacking this issue. At this stage, it’s wise to select individuals that can see the big picture and the long road. Individuals that are doers have a hard time during the development stage sitting around talking and planning. They want to be doing, not talking! Click here for our fact sheet on collaboration.


Goals and objectives
Business plan
Resource plan – e.g. people, things, money that you will need
Program guidelines


Is there enough commitment to make the plan work?
Is there enough access to resources to make plan work?
Is your plan meeting the needs of homeless veterans within your community?



Starting a Homeless Veteran Program
Organizational Planning

Effective Board Development

Board of Directors
Risks, responsibilities, recruitment, demographics and client representation
Committee structure
Executive committee

Financial Management

Tips for Grantseeking
Restricted funds versus unrestricted funds
IRS 990 filing requirements
Charitable solicitation requirements
Director and officer liability insurance

Annual Reports

Creating an Annual Report
Why and how?

Apply for 501(c)(3) IRS tax-exempt status

Obtaining a 501(c)(3) status gives the organization access to grants from federal and state governments, as well as private and corporate foundations.
The process takes 2-6 months, from filling out an application to receiving ruling from the IRS. The complete process is described here.
It will be necessary to have a mission, business plan, budget, bylaws and a board of directors before applying.
Each state has different requirements to become a nonprofit organization. Check these requirements prior to completing IRS application.

Participate in Local Homeless Coalitions

HUD Continuum of Care

Develop partnerships that will assist in meeting the needs of homeless veterans.

Often local coalitions assign or influence the priorities for government funds. If you are not at the table, you will be less likely to receive a share.

Develop a Public Education and Marketing Campaign

Brochures or one-piece information “fact sheets” are helpful to educate or request investments from the community. Make sure yours look professional and answer the basic who, what, where, when, why and how questions.
Prepare several individuals to be speakers for the organization. Educating the community often happens at organization meetings, and you need a representative that can face an audience and gain their support.


Fact Sheets
Homeless Veterans Fact Sheet
How to Advocate for Homeless Veterans
Nonprofit Resources
BoardSource builds exceptional nonprofit boards and inspires board service. Call 877-892-6273 or visit their website for more information.
National Council for Nonprofit Associations: Most states have a nonprofit association that provides technical assistance to other nonprofits. Click here to find the association nearest you.
Jossey-Bass Publishers have a wide variety of topics for nonprofits. Call 415-433-1767 for a catalog or visit their website.
Fieldstone Alliance has a wide variety of topics for nonprofits. Call 1-800-274-6024 for a catalog or visit their website.

Start a Vet Program

Paul Ryan’s biggest budget cuts are to Medicaid … – Washington Post

Paul Ryan’s biggest budget cuts are to Medicaid, not Medicare.…/paul-ryans-biggest-budget-cuts-a…

Extraordinary Abuse of working under fabian society.And continue to violate RCW 2.48.210 Oath on admission and emancipation Proclamation January 1,1863 and 13th Amendment To continue to enslave black poor ptsd poeple vets veterans brain injury disable homelessness in americaBy President Barack Hussein Obama and the fabian society.That he is working under and his administration fabian society is Prohibitted in america.But after Barack Hussein Obama said we the poeple in 2008 then he turn around and adhered to fabian society.At the time of war on america.And ptsd,brain injury disabled homeless vets,veterans,men and women seniors youth kids.Had the audacity to say to black poeple you have to keep on your marching shoes.Because I’am forming a new form of slavery against black americans.Now your new slave masters are the fabian society.And now the fabian society is take over america.Now I’am begging for your votes again to further enslave black poo in america.

Christine o’Grady Gregoire P.C.H.A.V.Hon.Michael B.Fuller,sui juris-11-2-06545-1


Christine O’Grady Gregoire The Real Estate Snare How do they work this scheme in the area of real estate ? These bankster creeps have made an agreement that it is corporate public policy,that all land (property)be pledged to the creditor to satisfy the debt of the bankruptcy, which the creditor claims under bankruptcy. They get away with this the same way they get away with any other case that is brought before the court,whether it is a traffic ticket,IRS,or whatever.Here is how it works.You have signed instruments giving information and jurisdiction to the banksters through their agents.The instruments (forms) you signed include,but are not limited to the following: social security registration,use of the social number,IRS Forms,drivers license,traffic citation.jury duty,voter registration,using their address,zip code,U.S.postal service,a deed,a mortgage application,etc.etc.The banksters then use that instrument (document) under the Uniform Commercial code (UCC) as a contract/agreement.These documents are considered promissory contract where you promise to proform. This sheme involves you,without you ever becoming directly in contact or in contract with the true creditor.What’s more,you are never informed as to whom the true creditor is and it is never divulged to you the true nature and the true cause of the paperwork that you are filling out.




Budget Cuts, Revenue Swings Await States In ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Drama

If President Obama and congressional leaders fail to avert the so-called “fiscal cliff” currently looming in Washington, the slate of actions scheduled to take effect January 1, 2013 would slash federal spending, trigger one of the largest federal tax …
See all stories on this topic »

State line:
President Obama is a trader to America and against homeless vets and veterans females and males seniors youths.Extraordinary abuse of one’s Oath on Admission.Extraordinary abuse of giving America to the Fabian Society.Because of the recession.Note for the record he has extraordinary enslave black free people in America.As Obama is showing America now its just us and the communist party.Extraordinary abuse of Treason to the Constitution of the United States of America.And he is openly committing these crimes before blacks free people.Because he wants to burn up the united states constitution of America.To make the constitution of America Fabian society laws and communist law.Do America see how he is putting the enemies that the vets and veterans had a conflict with.With Green Cards to take over America.Wolf in sheepskin Magic Dragon.