Blacks Make Up Half of the U.S. Homeless Population


In issues involving the homeless, race is rarely brought into the discussion. However, the face of American homelessness is undoubtedly black, with reports listing African-Americans as roughly half of the homeless population.

While studies documenting the homeless are difficult to conduct and historically inaccurate, the disproportionate number of black homeless people is impossible to ignore. However, programs for the homeless are rarely targeted for specific racial groups, despite the heavy difference in ratios.

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Labor to Obama: Back off Social Security

The AFL-CIO is pushing President Obama to back off from Social Security benefit cuts in the “fiscal cliff” negotiations.

The nation’s largest labor federation sent an email Tuesday to activists asking them to email the White House and lawmakers and oppose the changes to Social Security that the president has offered to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) in deficit-reduction package.